
The composition and working principle of the lees dryer

The distiller's grains dryer is suitable for the drying treatment of various kinds of brewing dregs, such as white distiller's grains, brewer's grains, red wine's grains and rice distiller's grains. It can solve the problem of high moisture and alcohol content in distiller's grains. Reuse in feed or fuel processing.

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The distiller's grain dryer is composed of heat source, dehydration, feeder, conveyor belt, tumble dryer, dust collector, power distribution cabinet, etc. There are also many choices of heat source, including coal and gas biomass particles, among which The cost of using coal is low, no waste gas is generated when using gas, and the drying process is more environmentally friendly.

Technological process: The wet brewer's grains after extrusion and dehydration are transported by the feeding device into the drying area of ​​the dryer cylinder, and are continuously picked up and scattered under the inner layer of the copy board in a spiral way to realize the downstream drying mode and For heat exchange, the material moves to the other end of the inner layer and turns back into the middle layer of drying. It takes two steps forward and one step back to realize countercurrent drying and heat exchange again. It travels to the other end of the middle layer of drying and falls into the outer layer. It travels in a rectangular multi-loop way in the outer drum to achieve the drying effect. This drying mode not only fully absorbs the heat emitted by the inner drum, but also absorbs the heat of the middle drum to prolong the heat exchange time and achieve the ideal drying quality.


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